Greetings from Woodland Elementary School- the home of the Lakers!
Woodland Elementary is a small, family-oriented school with a tradition of strong academics and strong character development in our students. Serving just over 200 students in grades K-5, we believe we have a unique ability to know and understand the needs of our students extremely well. At Woodland, we strive to maximize the potential of every student through adherence to our Core Values: Safety, a positive Attitude, Integrity, and Leadership. (As Lakers, we SAIL!)
This school year (2023-2024) is an exciting year for Woodland Elementary. Our school has begun incorporating a more Globalized approach in teaching and learning. All of our teachers are participating in a professional development series throughout the year that will help them to incorporate global concepts into the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as they plan their lessons. Our goal is to make the learning experiences here at Woodland even more engaging, relevant, challenging, and fun for our students as we help prepare them for life in our ever-changing world.
I hope that you find the content and information on our site helpful. We believe that our parents, families, and community partners are an essential part of accomplishing our goals. If you see anything on this site that you would like to discuss, or if you have any suggestions for website content that would be beneficial to you, please let me know. Thank you for visiting our webpage, and thank you for supporting Woodland Elementary School.
In Partnership,
Dwayne Johnson
336-599-7442 Ext. 17133