Parent & Family Engagement Plan
North Elementary School
Parent & Family Engagement Plan
~Believe~Achieve~ Soar~
North Elementary School is committed to providing each student with the tools needed to be successful in life. We understand that our families, school staff and community must work together to make this happen.The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 encourages parents and families to participate in all aspects of their child’s education.
Section 1116. Parental and Family Engagement of ESSA states that Local Education Agencies (LEAs) must implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents in Title I programs in order to receive Title I funds. These funds must be used to implement parental involvement programs that focus on improving academic outcomes for eligible Title I students.
With the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, parent and family engagement was given a formal definition as parent involvement as the regular, two-way, and meaningful communication between parents/families with schools involving student learning and other school activities.
The goal of this parent and family engagement plan is to support in a more consistent and effective manner those things already in practice as well as to generate new ways of strengthening the partnership between school and home.
At North Elementary School, the partnership between school and home will be supported by:
convening an annual meeting in the school to provide information to families about the school and available programs (Title I schools inform parents about the Title I program and activities supported by Title I.)
North Elementary School informed parents of its designation as a Title I school at the Family Engagement & Eagle Encourager Breakfast and Open House.
We also include reminders about Title I information at each Parent and Family Engagement activity.
offering a flexible number of engagement meetings, workshops, and parent conferences at convenient times for families that will assist families in improving their children’s achievement (training, resources, etc.)
This year, we will offer one parent and family engagement activity bi-monthly. Some sessions will be offered during the school day while others will be offered in the evening. This is an effort to accommodate a variety of parent work schedules.
We offer a minimum of five activities for parents to participate in each class (school activities, field trips, and/or performances).
providing opportunities for all families to participate in school activities, including families with disabilities and limited English proficiency
We offer translation services for the families of our English Language Learners (translated documents as well as a translator).
involving families in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, and evaluating of programs
We will host monthly School Improvement Team and Parent Advisory meetings to assess the needs and concerns of parents and students.
The school will administer three parent surveys during the school year.
having all parties involved sign a Principal/Teacher/Parent/Student Agreement stating how each will contribute to ensuring the student’s achievement
The compacts were signed in August.
North Elementary School targets the academic needs of students through small group instruction, academic coaching and reteaching, and evidence-based interventions.
The school employs two Teacher Assistant, one Interventionist, and one Literacy Specialist to support classroom teachers.
assisting families in understanding state academic content, the North Carolina Accountability Program, state and local assessments, and student performance standards
The Fall Literacy Night and Spring Math & Science night will inform and prepare parents with information about how they can support their children.
Parent Conferences will provide a detailed review of each student's data.
North Elementary School will prepare and provide curriculum materials for parents to assist their students at home.
The school will offer parents FREE books on their child’s reading level.
communicating clearly and frequently with families about school policies, programs, and their own children
We send weekly communication to parents via Class Dojo and The Eagles' Nest Newsletter.
Teachers are required to send notices to parents and families with Student Learning Maps, class news, announcements, and homework. We provide red homework folders to students for the school year. Parents can easily identify information that is for home and what needs to be returned to the school. Teachers check the folders daily and also use them to communicate with parents and families.
educating school personnel in the value of contributions of families and in how to communicate with and building ties between the family and the school
We reviewed conference communication expectations with teachers. Our goal was to have 100% of our parents and families in attendance for Fall Conferences.
We have required conferences with parents for students who have demonstrated the need for additional support (MTSS Tier II and Tier III) and if students are not making adequate academic progress.
We employ a full time School Social Worker/ MTSS Coordinator who serves as a liaison between the school and the home.
We also employ a full time School Counselor who supports the social emotional needs of students with classroom and individual counseling and guidance.
North Elementary School’s goal is to serve and partner with parents and families through consistent and meaningful engagement.