Person County Community Resources
Adult Abuse & Neglect (DSS) | 336-599-8361 |
Adult Daycare | 336-599-8870 |
Aging Information Center | 800-222-2225 |
Alcoholism (Counseling Center) | 336-599-8366 |
Alzheimers Caregiver's Support Group | 336-599-7484 |
Alzheimers NC, Inc. | 800-228-8738 |
American Pharmaceutical Association | 800-237-2742 |
American Red Cross | 336-597-2927 |
American Speech/Language/Hearing Association | 800-638-8255 |
Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions | 800-939-5911 |
Christian Help Center | 336-599-6070 |
Department of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention (DJJDP) | 336-597-0564 |
Department of Social Services | 336-599-8361 |
Duke Hospital | 919-684-8111 |
Freedom House Recorvery Ctr | 336-599-8366 |
Fuel/Rent/Utilities (DSS) | 336-599-8361 |
Home Health & Hospice of Person Count | 336-597-2542 |
Internal Revenue Service | 800-829-1040 |
Legal Aid Service | 919-688-6396 |
Medicaid (DSS) | 336-599-8361 |
Medicare A | 800-521-3761 |
N.C. Division of Services for Blind (Roxboro) | 336-599-8361 |
N.C. Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat | 336-597-2826 |
National Cremation Service | 919-235-3337 |
Paths (Piedmont Access to Health Services (HIV/AIDS) | 434-791-3630 |
PATS (Person Area Transportation System) | 336-597-1771 |
Person County Cooperative Extention Service | 336-599-1195 |
Person County Court House (Clerk of Court) | 336-599-0551 |
Person County Health Dept | 336-597-1790 |
Person County Library | 336-597-7881 |
Person County Parks & Rec Dept | 336-597-1755 |
Person County Senior Center (In-Home Aide Program) | 336-599-7484 |
Person County United Way (office) | 336-599-5899 |
Person Memorial Hospital | 336-599-2121 |
Piedmont Community College | 336-599-1181 |
Pregnancy Support Center | 336-597-2811 |
Roxboro Church of Good Food Pantry | 336-599-6862 |
Roxboro City Hall | 336-599-3116 |
Safe Heaven of Person County | 336-597-8699 |
Safe Heaven of Person County Crisis Line | 336-599-7233 |
Salvation Army (Durham) | 919-688-7306 |
Social Security Administration | 800-772-1213 |
U.S.Dept of Housing and Urban Development | 919-277-4222 |
UNC Hospital | 919-966-4131 |
Very Important Parents (Adults and Teens Parenting Program) | 336-599-1195 |
Veteran's Benefits | 800-827-1000 |
Veteran's Service Office (local) | 336-597-7891 |
Vital Records | 336-597-2204 |
WIC Program (Women, Infants,and Children) | 336-597-2204 |
Word of Life Food Pantry | 336-322-0488 |