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Myrtle Lawson
Elevate Classroom Coach
Person High School
LaQuita Lipscomb
School Counselor
Person High School
Britney Lynch
Elevate Classroom Coach
Person High School
Jesse Mattos
Exceptional Children Teacher
Person High School
Janet Mayo
Exceptional Children Teacher
Person High School
Morgan Meyer
English Teacher
Person High School
Sarah Morrow
Career and Technical Education Teacher, Computer Science
Person High School
Raymond Myers
ROTC Instructor
Person High School
Michelle Nash
Exceptional Children Teacher Assistant
Person High School
Casey Nichols
Career and Technical Education Teacher, Marketing
Person High School
Kailey Oakley
PCC Coordinator
Person High School
April Olson
Art Teacher
Person High School
Alba Ortiz
Spanish Teacher
Person High School
Justin Pergerson
Social Studies Teacher
Person High School
Cynthia Petty
Administrative Assistant
Person High School
James Phelps Jr
Social Studies Teacher
Person High School
Stephen Poindexter
Social Studies Teacher
Person High School
Laura Provo
School Nutrition Staff
Person High School
Nannie Ragland
In-School Suspension Coordinator
Person High School
Priscilla Ramsey
Distance Education Teacher
Person High School