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Dana Faulkner
Early Intervention and Family Services
Lisa Anders
Early Intervention and Family Services
Amanda Gardner
Michelle Day
Speech Therapist
Early Intervention and Family Services
Shannon Davis
Occupational Therapist
Early Intervention and Family Services
Tessa Gentry
Physical Therapist
Early Intervention and Family Services
Mariana Gomez
School Nurse
Early Intervention & Family Services
Deborah Mitchum
Early Childhood Behavior Specialist
Early Intervention and Family Services
Sonia BaileyOdom
Early Intervention and Family Services
Doris Thorpe
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Tyriana Crutchfield
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Shantiega Lea
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Lisa Henderson
Early Intervention and Family Services
Cheryl Bowes
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Mitzi Miller
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Lynette McCoyWilliams
Early Intervention and Family Services
Lisa Torain
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Imani McCoy
Teacher Assistant
Early Intervention and Family Services
Cyerra Torain
Teacher Assistant
Jessica Ward