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Erica Carr
Data Manager
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Hannah Vaughan
Middle Level Math
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Beth Pergerson
Middle Level ELA
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Cynthia Bullard
High School Level ELA
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Rebecca Culberson
Middle/High School Level Science & Math
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Tisha Duncan
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Elizabeth Everidge
Exceptional Children/Career Technical Education
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Ericka Hall
Elementary/Middle Level Science
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Jennifer Innis
Middle Level ELA
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Tom Munroe
High School Level Science/CTE
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Jordan Vaughan
High School Level Math
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Lindsay Wilkins
Middle Level ELA
Person County Schools Virtual Academy
Cornelius Lassiter
Career and Technical Education
Shared Staff with Northern Middle School
Michelle Medlin
Career and Technical Education Teacher
Shared Staff with Northern Middle School
Jonathan Whitfield
Shared Staff with Northern Middle School
Paige Cox
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Shared Staff with Person High School
Raymond Myers
ROTC Instructor
Shared Staff with Person High School
Antoinette Villines-Torain
Career and Technical Education
Shared Staff with Person High School