Due to power outages and trees down in spots across the county, Person County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for students on Wednesday 01/10. This will allow time for power restoration, debris to be cleaned up, and buses to run during daylight hours. Please travel safe.
8 months ago, Person County Schools
Due to an increased number of car riders and some additional absences, our bus routes may move faster than normal. For those students who require a parent/guardian to meet them at the bus stop, please be sure to be at your child's bus stop in plenty of time to ensure your child can get off of the bus.
8 months ago, Ashley Warren
Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day! Thank you to our local law enforcement for all they do to keep our students and communities safe!
8 months ago, Person County Schools
Law Enforcement Day
Due to the potential of severe weather conditions for tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday 01/09), Person County Schools will be closing at 12:15 pm. PCC students should check Blackboard for assignments. Stay safe!
8 months ago, Person County Schools
We hope you have had a great weekend. Please see below for this week's reminders: https://www.smore.com/azy32
8 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Happy New Year to all of our students and families! We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday, January 4th! (PECIL students return Monday, January 8th).
8 months ago, Person County Schools
Happy New Year 2024
Please see the link below for this week's reminders: https://www.smore.com/r4jwh
9 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Please see below for this week's reminders: https://www.smore.com/rwmpq
9 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Bus 50 is running approximately 10-15 mins behind. We apologize for any inconvenience.
9 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Fundraiser Pickup: Orders can be picked up between 3:20pm-5:30pm on Wednesday 11/29. Please come to the cafeteria door to pick-up your orders. Please do not come until 3:20pm, as we need to ensure our bus lot and car line have cleared. Thanks!
9 months ago, Ashley Warren
We look forward to a great week ahead! See below for this week's reminders: https://www.smore.com/k1726
9 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Just a reminder that there is no My Life Matters today. If you need to make changes to your child's transportation, please do so by 2pm.
9 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Please see below for this week's reminders: https://www.smore.com/ce08wb
10 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Happy Substitute Educators Day!
10 months ago, Person County Schools
Substitute Educators Day
Happy Thanksgiving! No School November 22-24
10 months ago, Person County Schools
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy American Education Week! November 13-17, 2023 Thank you to all the amazing educators in Person County!
10 months ago, Person County Schools
Happy American Education Week
Please see below for this week's reminders: -Santa's Helpers -Veteran's Day Celebration Invitation -PTSO Memberships https://www.smore.com/amsgfz
10 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
We hope you have enjoyed this beautiful weekend! Please see below for this week's reminders: https://www.smore.com/jn1wt
10 months ago, Stories Creek Elementary School
Reminder: No School on Friday, November 10th - Veterans Day Holiday
10 months ago, Person County Schools
No School 11/10
November is National Native American Heritage Month!
10 months ago, Person County Schools
November is Native American Heritage Month