Kindergarten Registration - OPEN for 2025-2026!
Kindergarten is the initial point of entry into the public school system. Children must be five (5) years old on or before August 31, 2025 to register.
If a child’s fifth birth date falls on or after September 1, 2025, the child is not eligible to enroll. However, a parent may apply for early admission to kindergarten if the child’s fourth birthday is on/before April 16, 2025. The request must be made no later than the end of the first month of the school year and the child must meet all of the requirements for early admission.
Early admission to kindergarten is based on a child’s ability to meet state standards on student aptitude and achievement assessments administered by a licensed psychologist. In addition, evidence of the child’s physical and social maturity must be documented by two letters of recommendation. (Costs for aptitude and achievement testing are the responsibility of the parent and not the school system.)
“Kindergarten Registration” is completed through an online registration process accessed at the link below.
At this time, registration should be completed from a computer, not a mobile device.
“Early Admission to Kindergarten” information is available on the Person County Schools’ website located at this link.
If you have questions or need additional assistance, contact Central Office at 336-599-2191.
Note for Carolina Community Academy
To register for Carolina Community Academy (CCA), please complete the registration linked below.