PHS Athletic Conference

On June 25, 2024, a group of student-athletes from Person High School participated in the first PHS Athletic Leadership Conference to answer the question: “What is Leadership?” During this event, students engaged in interactive workshops, hands-on activities, and discussions that challenged them to consider what it means to be a leader both on and off the field. They used this time not only to learn from the facilitators but also from each other, sharing experiences and insights. Topics included life skills, character, discipline, sacrifices, and mindset. These discussions aimed to foster a better understanding of leadership and what it takes to be a champion.

This training was provided by Global Partners for Fathers and Families, LLC (GPFF) who serves as a national leader in training and technical assistance for schools, government, non-profit, and community-based agencies. This is accomplished through the delivery of professional development trainings, innovative social marketing tools, multimedia platforms, traditional communications, product development and event planning. Patrick and the GPFF team have served as professional development trainers or keynotes at schools, juvenile detention centers, conferences, and with non-profits in 48 states, the US Virgin Islands and 9 different countries.

GPFF is led by Patrick J. Patterson, MSW, MPH, an award-winning speaker, author, trainer, and influencer of change. Patrick has a powerful testimony of humble beginnings, challenges and triumphs with his own father, faith, and forgiveness. His journey includes his inspirational transformation from graduating high school with a 1.3 GPA to earning 3 College Degrees, all on full scholarship, which motivates school officials and students at all levels.

GPFF Team Members:

Our Global Partners for Fathers and Families, LLC team is composed of experts who are experienced at providing staff training and programming for schools and agencies that result in improved staff performance, increased parent engagement and graduation rates among students. Team members include:

  • Patrick Patterson, MSW, MPH

  • Aubrey Ashford, LMSW

  • Jamey Patterson, MA

  • Aaron Ashford, MA, LPC

  • Jaelynn Murray, MA

  • Askale Ashford, LMSW

We are excited to see what these students do this year with this inspiring training. Leaders and champions give their best before being asked for it. We know their best is only going to inspire others to bring their best!

GPFF team

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