About Us

This is a wonderful collaboration between Person County Schools and Piedmont Community College. This unique learning program will expand students' opportunities for success by providing pathways toward academic engagement, post-secondary education, and vital STEM careers. We offer opportunities for study in Health Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing, Technology, transfers and more. With parental involvement and support, students graduate in four or five years, with a high school diploma and associates degree... and best of all, IT'S FREE!!!
Person Early College is located on Piedmont Community College's campus. A variety of unique educational opportunities are incorporated into the high school and college-level courses, such as mentorships with community business partners, field trips to businesses and colleges, and local and global service leadership initiatives. The curriculum pathways have been designed in such a way that all students can graduate with a high school diploma and an associate degree in four or five years depending on which program of study a student chooses.
Education Partners
Piedmont Community College
North Carolina Central University BRITE program
North Carolina State University Friday Institute New Literacies Collaborative
Instructional Program and Supports
Our school curriculum is built on three core themes: Character-Leadership, Service Learning, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). As a Leader in Me school, we integrate character and leadership development into our Seminar and Maverick Time Advisory classes. This focus extends to our Global Studies Initiatives, preparing students to lead in a global context.
To support academic rigor, Academic Support Classes are part of the daily schedule, offering time for reading and math practice, project work, study groups, or additional help from teachers. Students also benefit from the Community College Student Success Center and a robust Peer Tutoring Program led by upperclassmen. Teachers are available for after-school office hours for additional assistance.
Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Problem-Based Inquiry (PBI) are integral to instruction, fostering collaborative learning and supporting STEM initiatives. Partnerships with NC Central University’s BRITE program, NC State’s MSEN program, and the Friday Institute’s New Literacies Collaborative enhance STEM opportunities for all students.
In the spring, new students engage in a Global Service Project culminating in a schoolwide PBI Showcase. This project focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goals with activities that allow students to have an authentic learning experience. These efforts highlight our commitment to Service Learning. Our participation with UNC World View further enrich global education opportunities for students and teachers alike.
Student-led conferences are conducted twice a year for grades 9–11, while 12th and 13th graders participate in transition conferences, culminating in a graduation audit. Together, these practices ensure students are well-prepared for future success.