About Us

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This is a wonderful collaboration between Person County Schools and Piedmont Community College. This unique learning program will expand students' opportunities for success by providing pathways toward academic engagement, post-secondary education, and vital STEM careers. We offer pathways in Health Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing, Technology, transfers and more. With parental involvement and support, students graduate in four or five years, with a high school diploma and associates degree... and best of all, IT'S FREE!!!

Person Early College is located on Piedmont Community College's campus. A variety of unique educational opportunities are incorporated into the high school and college-level courses, such as mentorships with community business partners, field trips to businesses and colleges, and local and global service leadership initiatives. The curriculum pathways have been designed in such a way that all students can graduate with a high school diploma and an associate degree in four or five years depending on which option student chose.

Education Partners

Piedmont Community College

UNC Worldview

North Carolina Central University BRITE program

North Carolina State University Friday Institute PBI Global Team

North Carolina State University MSEN Pre-College Program 



Instructional Program and Supports

Our school curricula focus  has three themes. 1) Character-Leadership 2) Service Learning and 3) STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math)

 We are a Leader In Me  school and use the Leader In Me resources in our Seminar classes and our Maverick Time Advisory class. This supports our school focus on Character/Leadership. We are also leading the way with our Global Studies Initiatives.

To support our students in the rigor of the coursework, Academic Support Classes are embedded in their daily schedule. During their Academic Support time, students are expected to immerse themselves in reading and math support during that time.  They can also use the time to work on projects, form study groups or seek additional help from a teacher.  Students also have access to the Community College Student Success Center (the Transitions Center), which provides extra support and tutoring for the college courses.  PECIL also has a strong Peer Tutoring Program, consisting of upperclass students, to assist students that need more one on one assistance on a specific course.  Teachers are also available for office hours after school should students need more immediate assistance.

Project-based learning and Problem-based Inquiry are incorporated into instruction and support our focus on collaborative learning and STEM.  We partner with NC Central University BRITE program, NC State MSEN Program and the Friday Institute's PBI Global Team to provide additional STEM support and opportunities for all of our students.

Our new students are immersed in a rigorous grade level Global Service Project during the Spring term which culminates into a Project Based Inquiry Showcase during which the entire school participates and helps raise funds to support our focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Global Goal of Clean and Sanitary Water.  The water used during the pledge walk is donated to our local community help center and the funds raised from the pledge walk are donated to Water for South Sudan to help in the drilling of wells as part of the Iron Giraffe Challenge.  This huge project supports our school's focus on Service Learning.  We partner with UNC World View as part of the Teacher-Student Initiative and take advantage of the global educational resources provided by UNC World View to support our school's Global Education.

All 9th-11th grade students conduct Student Led Conferences.  One in the Fall and one in the Spring. Our 12th and 13th grade have progress conferences, transition conferences and a culminating graduation audit.