Surviving Sophomore Year!

You're now a sophomore! You accomplished a big step by completing your first year in early college-successfully! We are proud of you. Here are some tips to help you continue your success in the sophomore year.
All Sophomores are required to take the Pre-ACT. Be sure to participate in ACT Academy or any other ACT/SAT prep resource to prepare you for not only the Pre-ACT but also for the ACT and/or SAT that you will take your Junior year.
Maintain good grades and continue to challenge yourself with courses and extracurricular activities (clubs, student government, community service). Try to focus on one or two extracurriculars and honor the commitment.
Maintain a record of any awards, honors and recognitions that you receive in addition to your community service activities and hours.
Start thinking about summer enrichment programs that you would like to participate in, such as NC Governor's School and NC Summer Ventures. Check with your school counselor or college liaison for summer opportunities.
Attend college and career fairs and network with current college students and/or individuals working in your career field.
College classes will become more challenging this year. Stay ahead and make a study plan. See the college liaison if you need assistance or find yourself struggling in your college class. Do not wait until it's too late for the liaison to help.
Review your goals for the future with your counselor
Update your CFNC plan of study
Look on for free SAT & ACT test prep resources
Use CFNC's college search tool to research NC colleges

How to be Successful in an ONLINE class...
Here are the top tips for being successful when taking a class that is online, whether it is an NCVPS or PCC class. These tips have been vetted and adapted from universities like Villanova, Northeastern, and Illinois University. Taking an online course gives you a lot of flexibility in where and when you do your coursework. That flexibility, however, means you have to take some extra steps to be successful. You have to be proactive about creating some of the structures you get naturally in a face-to-face course.