Parent Information & Resources

Handbook/Parent Resources:


Consistent attendance is important for students to be successful in school. We understand there are occasions when a child must miss school. However, if your child is absent or will be tardy to school, we ask Parents/Guardians to do the following:

Call the main office at (336) 322-2275 or email to report the absence or reason for being tardy;

Send your child to school with documentation for the absence or tardiness within 5 days of student's return to school.

Medical note, parent note, or a copy of an obituary is acceptable.

Please refer to the “Attendance” section of the  Person County Schools Parent Gazette  or the Person Early College Student Handbook for more detailed information.

PECIL Technology Agreement form

Complete this form to reserve your laptop for the upcoming school year.  No fee for use of laptop, however the optional Insurance coverage  is recommended to assist with damages-should they occur.

PCS Technology Insurance Form

Technology Agreement Handbook

Information for Parents and students on the Person County Schools expected use of Technology. Includes Usage Agreement and Fee schedules.

Parent Information

student/parent gif